Natures way keto diet product range

Keto Diet

Supercharge your keto diet lifestyle.

What is Keto?

A keto diet trains the body to switch from its preferred fuel source of carbohydrates to burning fat instead. This is called ketosis, hence the name ‘keto’. To reach and stay in ketosis, getting the right balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is crucial and it’s generally accepted that you need around 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbohydrates. That’s easier said than done. Busy lifestyles and irregular eating habits can make the whole process difficult to achieve and maintain. What can help is the consumption of a type of fat called a medium-chain triglyceride, or MCT. Usually derived from coconut oil, MCTs are smaller fats than those found in long-chain triglycerides making them easier to digest and absorb. This means your body gets access to energy faster, helping you reach and stay in ketosis.

Supercharge your keto lifestyle

The Nature’s Way Keto Diet range contains premium quality MCT oil to ensure you work towards that magical 70/20/10 rule. We have 100% pure oil formulas, powder formulas with added collagen and even a protein powder packed with MCTs! Just what you need to make your keto diet more than just a diet, but a lifestyle.

Is the keto diet still cool?

Is the keto diet still cool, or more accurately, as effective as they say? Absolutely, but it does depend on how well you stick to it.

Natures way keto diet blog

Nature's Way Keto Diet products are available in pharmacies and supermarkets throughout NZ, or click on one of your favourite stockists below to buy online.
